
’Cane Angel Network brings together University of Miami-related startups with University of Miami-related investors. We are looking for innovative teams that are building high-growth companies with large addressable markets. Startups benefit from the members’ funding, mentoring, relationships, and advice.

Start-Up Criteria

Our criteria for start-ups are that they:

  • Have a founder, executive, board member, or an investor connected with the University of Miami, such as faculty, staff, student, alumnus, parent or other family member, or a friend of the U.
  • Are raising early-stage capital
  • Are located in the United States

Application Process

  • Online Application: To start the funding application process, interested companies complete this online applicationBoth the information that you submit in this application and the due diligence performed on your company may be shared with members of the 'Cane Angel Network.  Please only include information that you deem to be non-confidential.
  • Deal Analyst Team: An interdisciplinary team comprised of University of Miami graduate business, law, engineering, and medical students undertakes the initial review of company submissions
  • Deal Memo: The student Deal Analyst team prepares a Deal Memo which is shared with the ‘Cane Angel Network members.
  • Investment Decision: The members collaborate in the due diligence and make individual decisions in which companies to invest and how much.

Entrepreneur Benefits

Entrepreneurs who apply for funding to the ’Cane Angel Network benefit from:

  • Access to experienced investors: The ’Cane Angel Network is comprised of experienced professionals all of whom are committed to supporting the U’s global community of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs will benefit from access to not only a source of early-stage funding, but also the rich experience that these investors bring with them.
  • Access to mentorship and advice: The ’Cane Angel Network matches startups with members who have experience in their area of operation. By enhancing the experience of your team with mentors and experts, you will greatly enhance your chances for success.
  • Syndication: To help our portfolio companies with additional funding, the ’Cane Angel Network has developed relationships with other prominent South Florida and nationwide angel groups, as well as family offices and Venture Capital firms that invest at a Seed stage. We facilitate introductions to syndication partners to help our entrepreneurs complete the fundraising faster so that they can go back to running their startups.

Entrepreneur Links

Startups interested in presenting to the 'Cane Angel Network can apply by utilizing the "Apply for Funding" link. For your benefit, you can utilize the Pitch Deck Guidelines with suggested content for your presentation slides. We look forward to learning more about your company and your current round. If you have any questions, please email caneangelinfo@miami.edu.

Apply for Funding       Pitch Deck Guidelines


