
The ‘Cane Angel Network brings together University of Miami-related startups with University of Miami-related investors. An interdisciplinary team comprised of University of Miami graduate business, law, engineering, and medical students undertakes the initial review of company submissions. Members benefit from the opportunity to engage with and invest in vetted companies related to the U. ‘Cane Angel Network members are individual angels, family offices, and venture capital firms. Members are located accross the United States, with strong presence in Miami near the University's home base. 

Knight Foundation


‘Cane Angel Network launched in 2020 with a gracious grant from the Knight Foundation, which promotes excellence in journalism and the success of the cities and communities where the Knight brothers once published newspapers.  


U Innovation Partner Teams

U Innovation leverages the combined resources of the University of Miami Office of Technology Transfer, the Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research, The Launch Pad, the 'Cane Angel Network, and Converge Miami to support knowledge translation and commercialization of novel ideas, research discoveries, and funding of innovations that improve the lives of our local, national, and international communities

  • The Office of Technology Transfer is dedicated to assessing, protecting and commercializing University of Miami owned Innovations through licensing to startups and established companies.
  • The Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research promotes translational research in biomedical science and bioengineering by capitalizing on the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine faculty research projects that address an unmet clinical need and have commercial potential.
  • The Launch Pad, formed in 2008, is an essential resource center for the University of Miami entrepreneurial community. It works with students, alumni, and faculty to assist them in bringing their venture ideas to life. The Launch Pad provides mentorship programs, workshops, 1-1 consulting services, and events all designed to inspire and educate entrepreneurs.
  • Converge Miami is within an Oportunity Zone, which provides unique opportunities for startups. Located close to downtown Miami, the Port of Miami, and the Miami International Airport, the 180K sq/ft building houses startups, established companies, Converge Labs (shared space and equipment for early stage startups), and key University of Miami programs, including the U Innovation team where the ‘Cane Angel Network offices are located. 
